FREE-to-Play ONLINE Video Game!
They dug too deep! An army of darkness has been released! Now it’s up to the faith and skill of Warren, a gunslinging priest, to close the gates of darkness and SAVE THE MINERS!
Gamepad controller supported!
Also works with mouse/keyboard desktops and iPads/tablets.
- AWSD, Arrows, or L-Joystick = Movement
- L-Click / R-Joystick = Fire Bullets (Pistols or Shotgun)
- R-Click / R-Trigger = Super Move (Holy Bolts)
- Space / Start (L-R Bumpers scroll items) = Trade for Supplies
- H = Help Video Tutorial & Game Credits
- Z / L-Trigger = Zoom Out
- ESC = Pause & Menu Options
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Weekly Tournament Prizes!
If you enjoy Save the Miners!, please consider downloading the game.
This will greatly help my future video game endeavors.